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Hand Clinic Staff, December 2018
Hand Clinic Mural, 185 Spencer St Bunbury, completed April 2017, by Jack Bromell
Busselton Clinic sign - 39 Bussell Hwy.
Lymphoedema treatments, available in our Bunbury Clinic. 9754 1404
Jeannie is a registered CHT.
Rennae and Jeannie at the BCCI 2018 Business Awards.
Post Surgical Facial Scar - BEFORE
Initial appointment.Patient presented with a raised, red scar, unhappy with appearance after surgery. Patient given in-clinic scar treatment and instructions to complete an at-home program. Follow up scheduled in 10 days.
Post Surgical Facial Scar - AFTER
Ten (10) days after initial appointment. Patient received in-clinic scar treatment and followed an at-home program. Scar is less noticeable, has reduced in redness and is no longer as raised as at the previous appointment.
Dorsal Wrist Ganglion
(BEFORE) Therapy and splinting utilised to assist and manage the pain, reduce the appearance of the ganglion and improve wrist/hand function.
Dorsal Wrist Ganglion
(AFTER) Therapy and splinting assisted in the reduction of the ganglion and a decrease in associated pain. This photo was taken just 2 weeks later!
Elbow CPM
Elbow CPM machine - Bunbury Clinic
CPM machine
Dynamic Extension Splint
InterX is an electrical modality we offer to assist in the management of pain and inflammation.
Our amazing staff having a fun photo!
info@handclinicwa.com | (08) 9754 1404 | 39 Bussell Hwy. Busselton
DM via Messenger: m.me/HandClinicOT